1967 War
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Civilogy was founded by Tasciotti, P.Ed. during the formative period of 1995-1999 Civilogia is a school of thought which gives our students a comprehensive knowledge base. It is a study of all civilization and humanity. Internationally known as Instituto CIVILOGIA. Civilogy is an educational path leading to expanded knowledge grasp, also spiritually to reach the advanced, esoteric group of Keyboa tribe (K Y Y B O A) First one of its kind in the entire world and all of history.
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Civilogia for the understanding of civilization, humanity's manipulation and transformation of natural wilderness. For good or bad, humans have been altering the landscape of Earth since the beginning of history. They desire a home and a social construct, the city, civis, civilization. Let's learn more.
click the hyperlink below https://linktr.ee/petertasciotti