
Showing posts with label Armageddon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Armageddon. Show all posts

Thursday, September 22, 2022

World War 3 is Holy War?

 IS it Apocalyptic, is it End Times?  Is this the prophetic Armageddon from the holy scripture??!

Ukraine Donbass Donetsk battle ground World War

Who said this recently? 

At the heart of the global confrontation that has begun is the spiritual, religious aspect. Russia is at war with an anti-religious civilisation that fights God and overthrows the very foundations of spiritual and moral values: God, the Church, the family, gender, man. With all the differences between Orthodoxy, traditional Islam, Judaism, Hinduism or Buddhism, all religions and the cultures built upon them recognise divine truth, the high spiritual and moral dignity of man, honouring traditions and institutions – the state, the family, the community. The modern West has abolished all this, replacing it with virtual reality, extreme individualism, the destruction of gender, universal surveillance, a totalitarian ‘abolition culture’, a post-truth society.

Open Satanism and outright racism flourish in Ukraine, and the West only supports them.

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